Safeguarding Adult at Risk Policy

Take Part

Last Updated August 2023


Wakefield Theatre Trust has a duty to ensure that everyone involved in its work is able to feel that they work in an open and safe environment where they are treated with respect and dignity. We have a duty of care to safeguard and support all Adults at risk who participate in our projects.

The Care Act 2014 places a responsibility on councils to protect people who are at risk from abuse or neglect (Sections 42 to 47 of the Care Act 2014).

The aim of these Safeguarding Guidelines and Procedures is to ensure that all staff, volunteers and employees at Theatre Royal Wakefield that work with and support Adults at risk are confident about their own good practice and are aware of how to distinguish good practice in their colleagues’ behaviour.

All suspicions and allegations of abuse and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately. We have procedures in place to address poor practice and support any Adult who appears to be at risk, or who appears to be a victim of abuse.

We will safeguard Adults at risk by ensuring that our activities are delivered in a way which keeps all adults safe. We are committed to creating a culture of zero-tolerance of harm to adults which includes:

· the recognition of adults who may be at risk and the circumstances which may increase risk.

· knowing how adult abuse, exploitation or neglect manifests itself.

· being willing to report safeguarding concerns.

Our Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy should be considered alongside our Safeguarding Children and Young people policy, Working in Schools policy, our Behaviour Policy, our Privacy Policy, our Data Management Policy, our Health and Safety Policy and Procedures and our Equal Opportunities Policy.

Wakefield Theatre Trust believes everyone has the right to live free from abuse or neglect regardless of age, ability or disability, sex, race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital or gender status. We are committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment and an open, listening culture where people feel able to share concerns without fear of retribution. We acknowledge that safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility and is committed to prevent abuse and neglect through safeguarding the welfare of all adults involved.

We recognise that health, well-being, ability, disability and need for care and support can affect a person’s resilience. We recognise that some people experience barriers, for example, to communication in raising concerns or seeking help. We recognise that these factors can vary at different points in people’s lives.

This policy demonstrates the commitment of Wakefield Theatre Trust to safeguarding adults and to ensures that everyone who support Adults at risk is aware of:

· Their role and responsibility for safeguarding adults.

· What to do or who to speak to if they have a concern relating to the welfare or wellbeing of an adult

· No staff working for Wakefield Theatre Trust are trained to deal with situations of abuse, or have the power to decide if abuse has occurred, but have a responsibility to refer causes for concern to the Designated safeguarding Officer who may refer to the Local Authority.


The Care ACT 2014 guidance provides the following definition of adult safeguarding:

‘Safeguarding means protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It is about people and organisations working together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect, while at the same time making sure that the adult’s wellbeing is promoted including, where appropriate, having regard to their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs in deciding on any action. This must recognise that adults sometimes have complex interpersonal relationships and may be ambivalent, unclear, or unrealistic about their personal circumstances'.

Adult at Risk of Harm: (We shorten to ‘Adult at Risk’)

CARE ACT 2014: An adult at risk is an individual aged 18 years and over who:

(a) has needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs) AND;

(b) is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect, AND;

(c) as a result of the care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of abuse or neglect.

An adult at risk may be a person who:

Is elderly and frail due to ill health, physical disability, or cognitive impairment.

Has a learning disability.

Has a physical disability and / or sensory impairment.

Has mental health needs including dementia or a personality disorder.

Has a long-term illness / condition.

Suffers from drug or alcohol problems.

Is unable to demonstrate the capacity to make a decision and is in need of care and support.

Who these Guidelines cover in our work:

· Learning Disabled Participants

· Asylum Seekers and Refugees

· Socially Isolated Older People

Any other Participation project which includes adults at risk

There is a legal duty on Local Authorities to provide support to ‘adults at risk’. The safeguarding legislation applies to all forms of abuse that harm a person’s well-being. The law emphasises the importance of person-centred safeguarding. The law provides a framework for organisations to share concerns they have about adults at risk with the local authority.


Katie Town is the Executive Director, Aoibheann Kelly is the Designated Safeguarding Officer, Gavin Leonard and Janine Heseltine are the Deputy Safeguarding Officers and Jacquie Speight is the Safeguarding representative at Board Level.

The role and responsibilities of the designated officer (s) are:

· To ensure that all staff, trustees and volunteers are aware of what they should do and who they should go to if they have safeguarding concerns about an Adult at risk.

· Ensure that any concerns about an Adult at risk are acted upon, clearly recorded, referred on where necessary and followed up to ensure the issues are addressed.

· The designated officer(s) will record any reported incidents in relation to the breach of Safeguarding Policies and Procedures.

In conjunction with the Safeguarding Officers, all staff must ensure that they:

Recognise their responsibilities and report any concerns about suspected poor practice or possible abuse.

Respond to concerns expressed by an Adult at risk.

Work safely and effectively with Adults at risk.

Any concerns about poor practice must be reported. Please phone 01924 215531 and ask for Aoibheann (Eee-van) Kelly (Designated Safeguarding Officer) or Gavin Leonard/Janine Heseltine (Deputy Safeguarding Officers). Please also email with a name and number and put SAFEGUARDING as the title. Please do not put confidential information in the email. We will phone you to discuss the issue with urgency.


The Designated Safeguarding Officer is trained in Safer Recruitment. We believe that Safe recruitment and selection practice is vital in safeguarding and protecting Adults at risk. All reasonable steps are taken to ensure unsuitable people are prevented from working with Adults at Risk. Wakefield Theatre Trust requires that upon offer of employment and signing of contracts:

· The job requirements and responsibilities are clearly explained.

· Safeguarding Policies are explained and the Designated Safeguarding Officer introduced to them.

· Relevant employees, freelance staff, casuals and volunteers will be required, upon commencing employment, to also complete the Safeguarding Policy Declaration, which will be provided together with a guide to the Safeguarding Policy for Adults at risk. Signing of the declaration will become a condition of employment and each line manager will ensure this is managed effectively.

· Further safeguarding policy updates will be circulated yearly and all staff are expected to read updated policies and to raise any queries with the Designated Safeguarding Officer

· Applicants will be required to obtain or have an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Check which satisfies Wakefield Theatre Trust

· Our internal policy is to follow best practice and to refresh D.B.S checks every three years.

· When repeating update checks for DBS checks we will always ensure we have seen the original alongside I.D. and that we have explicit written or email consent to update. We will then record the relevant information and store securely.

· Wakefield Theatre Trust will always follow up references for all employees and for volunteers if their role is in a position of trust.

· Appointed Staff will undergo any safeguarding training required and will require a probationary period


Theatre Royal Wakefield use photography, video and sound recording regularly within its work and share these online.

Unless written permission has been granted by the Adult (or their Carer), staff are not allowed to take pictures or film. Theatre Royal Wakefield will need to be satisfied that all the relevant documentation and permission has been received before any pictures or film can be taken.

Consent for photography or video recording of any child/young person is obtained. Please see our Privacy Policy and Data Protection Policy for more information. Photographs and videos of Adults will be stored in a secure and designated online folder with restricted access only accessible by relevant appointed staff.


Abuse is a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by another person or persons. It can occur in any relationship and may result in significant harm to, or exploitation of, the person subjected to it. Any or all of the following types of abuse may be perpetrated as the result of deliberate intent, negligence, omission or ignorance.

· Physical

· Sexual

· Psychological

· Neglect

· Financial

Abuse can take place in any relationship and there are many contexts in which abuse might take place; e.g. Institutional abuse, Domestic Abuse, Forced Marriage, Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery, Sexual Exploitation, County Lines, Radicalisation, Hate Crime, Mate Crime, Cyber bullying, Scams. Please refer to Appendix 4 for a full list of indicators and types of abuse affecting Adults at Risk. An adult may confide to a Staff member or another participant that they are experiencing abuse inside or outside Theatre Royal Wakefield. There are many signs and indicators that may suggest someone is being abused or neglected. There may be other explanations, but they should not be ignored. The signs and symptoms include but are not limited to:

Unexplained bruises or injuries – or lack of medical attention.

Person has belongings or money going missing.

Person is not attending / no longer enjoying their sessions. You may notice that a participant has been missing from sessions and is not responding to reminders.

Someone losing or gaining weight / an unkempt appearance.

A change in the behaviour or confidence of a person. For example, a participant may be looking quiet and withdrawn.


A fear of a particular group of people or individual.

A parent/carer always speaks for the person and doesn’t allow them to make their own choices.

They may tell you / another person they are being abused – i.e. a disclosure.


The Care Act 2014 set out a requirement for ‘making safeguarding personal’ through which all safeguarding practices should be person-led, and outcome focused. An adult at risk should be involved in conversations about the safeguarding process and have choice and control over this. This should also be considered as part of the safeguarding decision-making process. If a volunteer or staff member feel that the adult is at risk but potentially lacks the capacity or understanding to make choices about their lifestyle, then a concern should be raised.

The adult’s views, wishes, feelings and beliefs must be considered when decisions are made about how to support them to be safe. Working with the person will mean that actions taken help them to find the solution that is right for them. Treating people with respect, enhancing their dignity and supporting their ability to make decisions also helps promote people's sense of self-worth and supports recovery from abuse. If someone has difficulty making their views and wishes known, then they can be supported or represented by an advocate. This might be a safe family member or friend of their choice or a professional advocate (usually from a third sector organisation).

The Care Act 2014 sets out the following principles that should underpin the safeguarding of adults.

1. Empowerment: people are supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and informed consent

2. Prevention: it is better to act before harm occurs

3. Proportionality: the least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented

4. Protection: support and representation for those in greatest need

5. Partnership: services offer local solutions by working closely with their communities. Communities have a part to play in preventing, detecting, and reporting neglect and abuse

6. Accountability: accountability and transparency in delivering safeguarding

When concerned about the welfare of an Adult at risk of harm, staff must always act in the best interests of the person and act immediately.

If an Adult at Risk is in immediate danger then the staff member must call the police on 999, and advice and support will be given.

If a member of staff has a concern about the welfare of an Adult at Risk or if an Adult at Risk had made a disclosure, staff must complete the Incident report form (Appendix 3) at

the first possible opportunity and give this and report to the Designated Safeguarding Officer. The information recorded on the form must be factual and not based on opinions, recording what the person has said or what has been witnessed, with the specific nature of the concern.

When a disclosure happens

Members of staff or volunteers who receive an allegation of abuse from an adult should:

· Find a suitable location for the participant to talk.

· Reassure them and allow them to speak without interruption.

· Listen carefully to what is said.

· Record what they have been told / witnessed as soon as possible.

· Do not make any suggestions or coach/ offer advice in any way.

· Remain calm and do not show shock or disbelief.

· Reassure the adult that they have done the right thing in telling you.

· Tell the adult that they are not to blame.

· Tell the person that the information will be treated seriously.

· Do not interrogate or ask detailed or probing questions.

· Never promise to keep a secret and explain that you have a responsibility for their safety and must have a confidential conversation with the safeguarding specific point of contact.

· Let the adult know that there are others who can help them and that they are not alone.

After a disclosure is made

After a disclosure is made it is vitally important that the Incident Report Form has been completed as soon as possible and the Designated Safeguarding Lead is notified. The Designated Safeguarding Lead may contact the Adult at Risk of harm or their named carer to discuss the concern and decide, based on the information provided, whether a referral should be made to the local safeguarding services. If it is decided that the concern, or incident potentially meets the threshold for a referral (*reasonable cause to suspect that an adult who has care and support needs, is at risk of or experiencing abuse and neglect) the Designated Safeguarding Lead will make the referral to the local authority.


Every effort should be made to ensure that confidentiality is maintained for all concerned. Information should be handled and disseminated on a need-to-know basis only. This includes the following people:

The Designated Safeguarding Officer, the Deputy Safeguarding Officers and, if relevant, the Executive Director.

The carer or person responsible for the person who is alleged to have been abused.

The person making the allegation.

Social services/police.

Social services should advise on who should approach the alleged abuser.

Information will be stored in a secure online folder with limited access to designated people, in line with the Privacy Policy and Data Management Policy (e.g. that information is accurate, regularly updated, relevant and secure).

Sharing information without consent

The circumstances when information needs to be shared without the adult’s consent include those where:

· it is not safe to contact the adult to gain their consent – i.e. it might put them or the person making contact at further risk.

· you believe they or someone else is at risk, including children.

· you believe the adult is being coerced or is under duress.

· it is necessary to contact the police to prevent a crime, or to report that a serious crime has been committed.

· the adult does not have mental capacity to consent to information being shared about them.

When information is shared without the consent of the adult this must be explained to them, when it is safe to do so, and any further actions should still fully include them. If staff are in doubt, they can contact Wakefield Social Care Direct Telephone: 0345 8 503 503 Email: and explain the situation without giving personal details about the person at risk or the person causing harm. Any decision to share or not to share information with an external person or organisation must be recorded together with the reasons to share or not share information.



If you are worried about an adult at risk in the Wakefield District. Please contact Social Care Direct on the numbers below. You can report your concern anonymously but please give as much information as possible so that we can follow it up

Social Care Direct: Telephone: 0345 8 503 503 Email: The above contacts are available all day every day.

Information leaflets: · recognising and tackling adult abuse · Stop Adult Abuse - easy read

Ann Craft Trust (ACT)

A national organisation providing information and advice about adult safeguarding. ACT have a specialist Safeguarding Adults in Sport and Activity team to support the sector

Tel: 0115 951 5400 Email:

National 24Hour Freephone Domestic Abuse Helplines


Tel: 0808 2000 247

Rape Crisis Federation of England and Wales

Rape Crisis was launched in 1996 and exists to provide a range of facilities and resources to enable the continuance and development of Rape Crisis Groups throughout Wales and England. Email:


Respond provides a range of services to victims and perpetrators of sexual abuse who have learning disabilities, and training and support to those working with them. Tel: 020 7383 0700 or  0808 808 0700 (Helpline) Email:

Stop Hate Crime

Works to challenge all forms of Hate Crime and discrimination, based on any aspect of an individual’s identity. Stop Hate UK provides independent, confidential and accessible reporting and support for victims, witnesses and third parties.

24 hours service:

Telephone: 0800 138 1625 Web Chat: E mail:

Text: 07717 989 025 Text relay: 18001 0800 138 1625 By post: PO Box 851, Leeds LS1 9QS

Susy Lamplugh Trust

The Trust is a leading authority on personal safety. Its role is to minimise the damage caused to individuals and to society by aggression in all its forms – physical, verbal and psychological. Tel: 020 83921839 Fax: 020 8392 1830 Email:

Victim Support

Provides practical advice and help, emotional support and reassurance to those who have suffered the effects of a crime.

Tel: 0808 168 9111

Women’s Aid Federation of England and Wales

Women’s Aid is a national domestic violence charity. It also runs a domestic violence online help service.